Hello again ! welcome to my webmaster page ...!!!

in case you forgot, my name is two. you may also know me as muffin, saint, or cakey/pupcake. all of these names are me and they are fine! i will respond to any and all. im 22 in human years - and i am a transsexual androgynous violentfag. nice to meet you!

my current occupation is SAHD (Stay-At-Home-Dog). i live with my beloved fiance in europe, but i am originally from the USA. texas born & raised, baby!

i am the trailer-trash, raised by his grandma, cookie monster pajama pants guy in ur gym class ...

i am an artist and an advocate for anti-censorship. i believe in P.L.U.R. no matter what (〜 ̄ω ̄)〜 <3

need to contact me? send me a tumblr ask!

my favorites

colors: blue! especially baby blue, and soft shades of green. all colors are nice though

foods: pizza, cheez-its, katsu curry, boneless buffalo wings from applebees, cheesecake.

drinks: mango loco monster energy (this is like 70% of my body weight), water, arizona tea, coke zero.

animals: seals and sealions, bats, wolves, dogs (of course).

fruits: strawberries, apples, bananas.

scents: 'crybaby perfume milk' - not the one by martinez; but the one by andromeda moon & 'bee' by zoologist.

tv shows: inuyasha, jersey shore, bluey, family feud, anything trashy honestly lol.

movies: princess mononoke, pretty woman, moonrise kingdom, lady and the tramp, howl's moving castle, twilight.

candies: twix, milka chocolate with tuc, fruit snacks.

flowers: lily of the valley, pansies, baby's breath.

music genres: breakcore, alt rock, digital hardcore, shoegaze, emo, likeeee all of them (lol).

takeout: popeyes & shake shack.

may add more here when i think of them!

quiz results

I am a Mew!

Which Chobits Character Are You?

What Type Of Dere Are You?

What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?

What Element Of Harmony Are You?


What Genre Of Manga Are You?

What Is Your Anime Eye Color?

Which Host Type Are You?


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Tapirs have changed very little over the past 20 million years.

Want your own? Visit hekate.neocities.org!

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Peanut Butter.I taste like Peanut Butter.

I am one of the most blendable flavours; I go with sweet, I go with sour, I go with bland, I go with anything. I am practical and good company, but have something of a tendency to hang around when I'm not wanted, unaware that my presence is not welcome. What Flavour Are You?

What Hetalia Character Are You?

You are a Sorcerer!

I am Cyndaquil!

ttext lorem impsum blah blah muffins cookies pancakes starwberries blueberries blackberries

^ click one ! ^

click any of the above buttons to be taken to what it says on the respective tin. i worked hard to get them to work and be pretty (even if its not much) so please do look at them. at least just click them a few times for my sanity (っ´ω`)ノ(╥ω╥) ...................

enjoy my collections!



adult content warning on offsites (18+)

Pronouns: he/it
Hobbies: drawing, playing games, reading wikipedia, sleeping, chasing my tail
Media: bluey, markiplier, pokemon, roblox, vn's
Music: femtanyl, 4lung, nin, mcr, say anything, of montreal, tvgirl, etc...
Likes: naps, rainbows, cute puppies, yaoi, pizza, the color blue, big comfy t shirts
Dislikes: hot weather, math, shrimp, capitalism, mean people, topping
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